Mia «Poca»: Discover the solution to the skin conditions, and not keep the secret she now shares with the world
It was on a journey where I found that nature had saved me, I found the solution to my problems, and now I share that to everyone
I pray over every product I make! Thank you all so much for trusting me with your skin
Getting inspired by Mia «Poca» Pratt is easy when we find ourselves with a sparkling beauty that, in addition to being beautiful, inspires by radiating a lush and shiny skin, this shows when we see her with the naked eye, that we are facing the true results that she tells us, facts reality in front of our eyes.
She gives us charm and sympathy that does not seem 30 years old, but less than that, this tells us at first glance that what motivates this interview is real thanks to the care that her beauty secret gives her and that she tells us today.
Mia made this discovery because she insisted on finding the heal of her own skin, noting in herself the extraordinary benefits and results that the application of this formula on her skin and throughout her body, which takes special care of polluting and aggressive agents that are found in the environment, and cause an impact that daily becomes lethal in combination with the sun and different elements that attack it, therefore Mia found the formula that prevents this aggression and deterioration, also wrapping it in an invisible layer, and allowing it to be always fresh and contributing to lengthen the degenerative process of the cells with permanent care, and therefore reflect a young and healthy skin.
Mia’s story and her secret told to the world…
Some time ago…
“I started making my own products in 2017, when I didn’t know what was happening to my skin. Nothing that was on the market worked for me, it seemed that everything made my skin worse, and that caused me concern”, At some point we have all suffered from a skin condition, at that moment we know how delicate it is and how much it protects our body.
“It all started as a personal journey for me, just to heal my own skin, but then I fell so in love with the process where I was able to heal my skin, that in just three months it had already healed, then I knew that all this was not something I could save just for me, I felt the need to help others and left everything I was doing to dedicate my time and effort to develop my own line of skin care, and spread everything I had learned.
This was the birth of ‘True Skincare’ as a commercial brand, with the same formulas that meant the cure of my personal process, with which I accessed my health, and now I share it with everyone”, she told us.
‘True Skincare’: A line of products without abrasive agents that provides protection, health and beauty to our skin
‘True Skincare‘ is not just another product on the market, it is inspired by the power and truth behind the benefits provided by effective natural ingredients. It is a skin care line that offers products created by scientists, balanced with the perfect formula to generate a positive impact in your daily life.
Without any chemicals, only organic ingredients and cruelty free…
Mia’s commitment and image fosters products that are committed to providing safe, mild impact, and chemical-free alternatives for healthier skin with an authentic glow. They are scientifically proven products, and carefully formulated and manufactured to produce visible results that reflect and highlight the skin and beauty, making it healthier. Its continuous use allows you to obtain confidence and the results that everyone wants, making it possible for you to show the true image you want.
Mia embraced in the love of her life…
Mia confesses with us obout her love life; «I have been in a love relationship with Tevin for three years«, (her true love of hers) «I love the support she offers me, it feels very good to have a partner who supports you in the things you do«. Tevin is a recognized professional boxer, IBF World Champion, he accompanies her, and by her side they are also an inspiration of life, falling in love with each other every day, in addition to supporting in everything they do.
Mia «Poca» Pratt, a businesswoman who prepared herself to take on her challenges
Mia is a dedicated woman, with great strength and enthusiasm in every challenge she faces, she recently graduated from Rizzieri Aveda School in Voorhees, NJ, receiving her certification in Esthetician studies, now with a professional license. She told us “I felt the need to expand my education to continue growing my brand”, which shows a true commitment to the scientific research of experts in laboratories that help her in the certification of truly effective products and tested under strict standards to determine its results and effects.
Advice that Mia and her ‘True Skincare’ products give us
To take care of your skin you always need...
- Natural, handmade, organic and cruelty-free products
- Affordable options for your true and beautiful physical self
- Natural solutions for your skin type
A phrase from Mia that inspires us in life:
“Been on my feet all year, the grind don’t stop” Mia “Poca” Pratt
Follow Mia «Poca» Pratt on Instagram as; @iam_mspoca, to make Mia your favorite for skin care.
Journalist; Juan Carlos Colina
Un italiano es el Rey del baile latino, Luca Cilluffo arrasa en las redes sociales robando corazones a fuerza de baile
Bajo el lema; “La Gente es mi Fuerza”, Luca Cilluffo ha demostrado al mundo entero su fuerza como un profesional entregado al baile, sus redes revientan en reproducciones aún más cuando se ha convertido en un modelo a seguir para imitar sus pasos solo o en pareja de ritmos muy movidos del caribe.
Desde los seis años apoyado en todo momento por sus padres, quienes eran apasionados por todos los ritmos y danzas caribeñas, contribuyeron en los primeros pasos en la escena de nuestra estrella, además de darle todo el apoyo para iniciarse, le auparon a participar en concursos en Italia y otras partes del mundo. Luca nació en Milán – Italia, cuenta con 24 años de edad y es del signo Escorpio, posee una extensa carrera que ha transitado desde los 6 años, por ello hoy llega a ustedes en este reportaje especial exclusivo para
Es un influencer nato que llega a millones de personas y que atrapa desde el primer momento en que miran sus vídeos de bailes solo, o en pareja.
Como coreógrafo y bailarín profesional desde su adolescencia se convirtió tras participar en concursos en campeón italiano y mundial en la categoría de bailes caribeños en pareja. Tiene pasión por lo que hace, y su disciplina es la misma consecuencia del amor por lo que hace y convierte en bailes con ritmos contagiosos.
Leímos en un comentario de una admiradora de Luca;
“Eres mi magia, mi inspiración, me contagias con solo verte bailar”.
Son cientos de miles de seguidores que admiran el impactante trabajo de esta estrella del baile por su disciplina.
No solo lo hizo en Italia, además comenzó a viajar e impartir sus clases como profesor de baile en Suiza, Turquía, España, Francia, y en 2016 se preparó profesionalmente y comenzó a estudiar otros estilos de bailes entre los que destacan el Afrobeat, Dancehall y House, todos ritmos novedosos que aprendió en una academia en Milán.
Un Luca Cilluffo muy agraciado baila en los eventos de apertura de grandes conciertos de infinidad de afamados artistas mundiales, entre estos; Sean Paul, Manuel Turizo, El Alfa, Romeo Santos, Grupo Extra entre otros tantos.
Junto a Lady Cun Faya empieza a hacer vídeos para la red social Instagram, acaparando la atención de espectadores que convirtieron sus publicaciones en virales, siendo miles de seguidores que Luca logró conquistar gracias a sus movimientos perfectos de baile en estos vídeos, recibiendo elogios nada más y nada menos que de estrellas como Ozuna, J-Balvin, Shakira, Dj. Snake, Anthony Santos entre muchos.
2019 El Comienzo; En este año tras comenzar a ser mucho más reconocido como Maestro profesional de Baile en todo el mundo, fueron varias escuelas italianas y en los Estados Unidos, donde el nuevo fenómeno del baile latino, comenzó a realizar sus giras como pasante, aquí brindaba sus clases magistrales él solo, y junto a la popular Lady Cun Faya.
Todos sus conocimientos los impartió dando clases en Nueva York y Miami, en este momento decide quedarse todo un mes, para formar a bailarines. Sus giras comienzan a convertirlo en un afamado en lugares como Barcelona, Moscú, girando por toda Italia entre el norte y el sur, además de Grecia, Chipre, Turquía, Francia, Reino Unido, y la República Dominicana.En estos extensos recorridos conoce nuevas culturas de baile, y enseña a numerosos talentos alrededor del mundo.
Italy’s Got Talent, una enorme experiencia que le abrió las puertas
Fue un año de brillo en su carrera, esta aparición como competidor en el prestigioso Italy’s Got Talent, participación la realizó en pareja junto a Lady Cun Faya, donde lograron llegar victoriosos a la etapa semifinal del programa de tv con un enorme éxito, aplaudido por la audiencia y por expertos conocedores del jurado y televidentes, quienes quedaron impactados por su gracia y habilidad para los complicados bailes en pareja de estos ritmos tan exigentes.
X- Factor Italy…
En 2016 participa como bailarín en episodios de X-Factor Italy, su participación en el famoso programa le hace valer la confianza necesaria para verse ya comprometido en su decidido mundo del baile y la coreografía en parejas de la cual tanto le hizo valer su fama.
Es en el año 2017 cuando conoció a Lady Cun Faya, con quien inició una formación y exitoso camino de trabajo juntos, esto le ha hecho valer la atención de millones de reproducciones en todas las redes sociales de ambos.
La Pandemia no fue una pausa y fue el comienzo de Somos Cuba
Durante el tiempo que ha permanecido la pandemia del coronavirus, Luca, no paró de trabajar, incluso para admiración de muchos, se dedicó a apoyar a las personas en una sana distracción desde casa Online, su afán por continuar sus pasos, fueron vistos por seguidores a través de las redes sociales, entonces procedió a dar clases en línea, llegando a tener más de 100 alumnos recibiendo sus conocimientos como profesor, hoy día ha abierto una escuela en línea llamada Somos Cuba donde cualquiera puede aprender de sus vastos conocimientos.
Cuáles son los límites de Luca?
– Nos respondió; – “Luca no tiene límites”, su entrega en corazón y alma en la pandemia guió a sus seguidores.
Luca posee en su cuenta de la red social Instagram más de 297K de seguidores de todas partes del planeta.
Su perfil en la red social TikTok junto a Lady Cun Faya, tras apenas un año de creado durante la pandemia, arriba a casi 2 millones de seguidores, y hoy cuenta con más de 100 millones de reproducciones en sus vídeos.
Él es un ídolo de la juventud, te invitamos a seguir a Luca Cilluffo en Instagram como; @lucacillufforeal, en Tiktok: @lucaelady – @lucacillufforeal, y en YouTube como Luca Cilluffo.
Su mayor sueño es casi una realidad, el inspirar a las personas a través de la danza y el baile, esto es hoy día un hecho que se siente tras observar sus coreografías y pasos en miles de jóvenes que lo ven como un ejemplo en este mundo, la idea es intentar cambiar sus vidas para bien y esto lo logra con mucho tesón al subir diariamente contenido en todas sus redes sociales.
La Pandemia, Un Impulso…
.- “Fue la gente, ella es mi fuerza, – (nos dice), porque cuando te dicen que gracias a mi vídeo les hice el día mejor, o que empezarán a estudiar danza gracias a mí, eso no tiene precio”, respondió finalmente nuestro ídolo del baile para las nuevas generaciones de admiradores y seguidores.
Por: Juan Carlos Colina – Fotos: Cortesía
Living in Dubai is the option to invest in the dream place and in the best country, Range finds your perfect place
Enjoy the Free Concierge Service that allows to their clients to explore and compare properties on the market
Range your best option
There are many options in the real estate market, we decided to compare services, options, sales ranges, personalized attention, number of trained personnel at our service, and after this comparison, only Range experts convinced us, they are a trained group that innovates in the real estate activity with excellent presence and market results, they put all the alternatives to choose in the hands of their clients, offering confidence and personalized attention that is expressed in this phrase that they profess; Those who run Range affirmed us; «Honesty and loyalty are our key traits, before, during and after the deal.»
Why live or work in the UAE?
After an enormous effort that has generated growth and sustainable progress through the work that His Highness the Sheikh, Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has managed to transform Dubai into a smart and futuristic city, and among other resilient characteristic, where many people from all over the world in search of peace and progress have decided to invest to work and live in this wonderful country, turning dreams into reality.
It is important that your investment is made only in expert and above all responsible hands, which is why we mention Range, where you will find offers of property purchase, sale and lease services, always thinking of the benefit of highly satisfied customers.
“With a smile, we close a deal”, Range as an organization whose philosophy is focused on optimal customer service, has as its main objective special attention, making a difference in people’s lives. Their goal is to offer a service that is unlike any other, making their customers smile is very important, thus providing an unforgettable customer experience.
#ServingSmiles… They run a successful campaign which they have baptized as #ServingSmiles, where smiles do not escape their advisors, providing clients with unique attention and with the results of happiness when finding where to make their investment with pleasant moments of attention.
When talking with them we managed to get them to tell us a phrase that contained what their dealings with customers meant, they told us this; “We always tell our clients that they have an excellent option to create the life of their dreams if they are clear about what they really love, whether it is their career, family or the house of their dreams”.
Range offers you; A memorable experience as a company that you will recommend, together with expert personalized real estate advisors you will be able to enjoy this;
Ø – Spend A Day with Range, which is a Free Concierge Service that allows its clients to explore and compare properties on the market, and helps them choose the best option for them.
Ø – Residential and commercial sales and leasing.
Ø – Sales Off-Plan.
Nobody in Dubai knows what you’re looking for more than Range…
Because they are experts in the real estate industry in the United Arab Emirates, if you choose them as your advisor you will be able to share the #ServingSmiles, and thus explore with the Range team the services that we show you here;
Ø – «We know Dubai; inside and outside, our sales agents know the best communities and genuinely suggest those that best suit the client’s lifestyle».
Ø – Exceptional customer service: «We help clients compare and find the best properties».
Ø – «We are one of the few companies recommended by the main developers in Dubai».
Ø – «We are completely honest and loyal to all our clients before, during and after any deal».
If you look at all the options that are offered, you will find it very difficult to find them anywhere else, because they offer a service for those who cannot waste time, and they focus on your real estate buying or selling needs.
We close with this quote from the Range team:
“At Range, we don’t just focus on property sales; customer service means a great challenge for us. Honesty and loyalty are our key traits, before, during and after the deal».
Visit their social networks, you can find them like; @range.dxb, or on their website, CLICK HERE and appreciate all its benefits.
Journalist: Juan Carlos Colina
The influencer Malik “Lekeyzer”: 200 thousand daily views on his social networks, see the reason for his success
He is Malik, «Lekey or Lekeyzer«, we know him through his influence on social networks where he especially attracts attention on the Snapchat social network, he is a nice young man of Algerian origin, born in the city of Roubaix, north of France, his drastic success in social networks is due to a constant dedication, and in his life his professional training, which is due to being a successful former producer and manager. Currently Malik has made a name for himself, where he captures his thousands of followers through inspiring messages, jokes and sharing his trips, meals, in emblematic places of spectacular cities such as Los Angeles, Miami and Dubai, this being last city where he currently lives.
More than 200 thousand daily views…
Malik, barely 29 years old, stands out as the French influencer who adds nothing more and nothing less than more than 200,000 daily views on his different social network accounts, where he shares his life, fame, meetings, aspirations and also wise inspiring advice, today after a significant number of followers affirm that this 2022 we should expect surprises and much more from him.
Determination and perseverance make this inspiring young man visible, with the ambition to literally take over the world for his daily activities as an influencer. Malik is currently preparing a big project that comes with everything from beautiful Dubai.
How? Malik in privacy…
We are going to get to know a little about our restless interviewee, we can only affirm that his personality is that of a natural being, very attractive due to his image, and besides, he always radiates enthusiasm.
What are the hobbies you do most in your free time?
«I shelter and take refuge a lot in music and reading, my trips help me to get to know other wonderful places on the planet, I deeply love cinema, which is undoubtedly one of my best hobbies and which I enjoy to the fullest», he said.
What does Malik do from the moment he wakes up in the morning?
«I give thanks to God for granting me each new day, life must be lived, be grateful, because it is very beautiful and the universe must be appreciated as part of what surrounds us», this intelligent inspiring young man told us.
Your favorite food?
Without thinking about it too much, he told us; – «The lasagna», as a profuse lover of this Italian food dish.
Malik’s next target?
«Succeed in my field», which denotes his exclusive focus on dedicating himself extensively to what today allows him to contact millions of people through his messages on social networks.
We wanted to ask Malik about his advice to people starting out in the competitive world of influencers.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in the difficult art of being an influencer?
– «Be yourself and be natural». What made it clear that his success is due to being simply authentic and latent in nature, of those people who do not require scripts or scriptwriters, there are no producers in their activities other than life itself, the one that makes him a normal boy but inspired by the steps he takes every day on his journey around the world.
How do you see yourself in the future in a few years?
– «I aspire to a stable financial situation, I wish with great enthusiasm to have a wife and children», is a life aspiration for this nice and attractive inspiring young man.
How does Malik approach his life?
-«In a very important way, the facts must be lived with intensity», he confessed to our editor.
For Malik, Thailand is a beautiful Asian destination that is in his plans, but also the Maldives, this is another beautiful destination that is in his mind and that he must visit in the very near future, he told us.
His favorite entertainment…
What is your favorite movie or series?
– “My favorite series is Breaking Bad and The Wire, because I like their stories too much”, he said with certainty.
Public figure would you like to meet?
– “Will Smith”, the man of the moment after the events of the Oscars, this outstanding Hollywood actor, is the public figure with whom he would like to shake hands with him.
The phrase…
«Always go up, never go down».
Malik «Lekeyzer»
Tell us five things you still have to accomplish in life…
1. Get married,
2. Have children,
3. Return to travel,
4. Buy a house,
5. Always help the less fortunate.
Who has inspired you in your life?
– «My parents, only they, are my example.»
If you were given the opportunity to change the world, what do you think should be done?
– «Only honest leaders are needed, nothing more», he answered with great certainty.
So far we have come to meet this impressive human being, follow him and discover his expressions such as Hip Hop Culture and Rap among others, through his social networks, such as; @Lekeyzer.
Journalist: Juan Carlos Colina
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